
Monday, July 21, 2014

New lush goodies! (Must haves)

This weekend I was in Las Vegas and as me and my friends were walking in the Mandalay bay we saw a Lush! My heart dropped because the closest one to me, from where I live, is about an hour away. So everytime I go to a lush I buy a few things. This time I bought one old love and two new products!

First, let's start off by my all time favirote face wash! It's the aqua marina(which is the big middle jar and the middle clump!) Mind you I've tried all their face washes except the dark angels and the soap bars! ( I think face wash bars just contain so much bacteria over time no matter how you have it contained) I have the angels on bare skin now and still have a lot left. The thing is that everytime I use it it's exfoliation, and using it every morning and every night was just a little to much exfoliation. So I'll be using that one at night and the aqua marina in the morning. This face wash is amazing! This is my second jar if the $20-$23. They go by the oz so prices will vary. This face wash contain seaweed to give your face amazing nourishment!( I love anything with seaweed or algae). It also contain aloe Vera which helps sooth and calm the skin from any irratation or inflammation. Also the most important is the calamine! Yes calamine pink stuff you put on for big bites or poison oak poisoning! It's an ingredient that help calm irratatwd sensitive skin! How you use this product is by pinching some off and mixing it with a little bit of water. When you rub it on your face it's so soft and smells amazing! I love this stuff because it cleans my face and leaves my skin so soft and motorized    Not stripped clean just perfect cleaning and it helps with my redness! 

Next is the catastrophie cosmetic fresh face mask! I have tried the BB seaweed mask( amazing!!) and the oatfix (amazing too!) so my goal is to try all the fresh face mask. These mask you keep in your fridge because they are fresh! You can only buy these in store because of that.($6.95)  The mask is deep cleansing and nutrient wish with the blueberries! It is packed with vitamins, calamine, and blue chamomile oil to calm irratation and cleanse the skin. This mask smells like heaven! You apply and leave it on for 10 minutes. After my skin was so soft. I mean the softest my skin has ever felt from any skincare product! I was amazed. So this mask will be a must have everytime I go to Lush! 

Lastly, is the mint julep lip scrub! I wanted one of these because I have heard so many great things about them. I got the mint one because it smells good and will refresh your breath when you eat it after. Yes eat it after! You apply to lips and scrub then for how ever long you want. After that you just lick it off! It's just sugar and a bunch if lead extracts! I used it and my lips felt so soft! It was only $10.95 and this will last me months!! 

I high recommend these products to anyone that wants soft skin and wants there skin to be calm from irratation or redness! I would say these are for any skin type and almost every skin concern! 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

DIY: sugar lip scrub!!

So I was at home bored and decided to make my own lip scrub. I mean I have seen plenty on Pinterest. So I did 2 different methods to see which one I liked better. I'll start by explaining each way. 

1. What you'll need
- coconut oil 
- sugar (white or brown) 
- vanilla extract ( or any scent you like) 

First I put 1 teaspoon of cocnit oil in a bowl. Then I put about a teaspoon of finally extract. Then poured as much sugar as I wanted. If you want it to be a very gentle only do a little, but I wanted a more rough lip scrub. Then I put in freezer to make the coconut oil a little harder. And put into jar! 

What it looked like before freezer 

SECOUND method: (my favirote) 
What you'll need: 
- honey 
- brown sugar 
- coconut oil 
- Vaseline 
- Argan oil 

First I put a teaspoon of honey in a bowl. Then I put a teaspoon of coconut oil and then I used my Josie maran Argan oil, which is what I use to put on my face every night. But this oil is a oil for everything so I added it for moisture! Then I added a small amout maybe a pea size of Vaseline just to make it a little thicker consistency. And lastly just added brown sugar. And again I added a lot to make it a little rough. And I forgot to put the ha ill in the picture but I added a teaspoon of vanilla for scent. 

Overall product! 
Left: 1st method. Right: 2 method 
(This is after in freezer for a couple minutes to make it all solid)

Overall I like the second method because when I scrubbed my lips with it after my lips felt so smooth and moisturized! That Argan oil and honey made them like brand new lips! And it smelt amaziinnggggg. So I would suggest doing the second version!

Review: Bare Minerals biolucent mineral brightening treatment

Okay so I got this treatment (it's really a serum) in my Sephora gratis a few months back. I didn't know much about the product so I researched it and found that it was a serum that was packed with minerals that is supposed to help with brightening your face. So for redness and dark spots. So I used this for about 2 weeks straight AM and PM and it didn't really do much but break me out! At the time I was on Accutane. Which is a medication for acne and it's very intense. At the time my skin was bullet proof because of the medication. It just makes your body produce normal and perfect skin. Instead of acne prone and oily skin. So when I started to breakout I was really surprised because your not supposed to have breakouts on this medication. So I freaked out and stopped using it because that was the only product I changed in my skin care routine. My other co workers love this stuff and said it really helped with redness and dullness in the skin. But personally I hate this stuff and won't ever try it again! When the product comes out it's a very shiny colorful look. Like the inside of a shell. I think that's because it's minerals for the Caribbean oceans. But who know. And a little goes a long way. It does make your skin very soft but that's the only benefit I saw from it. Where I can get that from a more effective serum. So I would say I wouldn't spend the money on this item. 

This does retail for $55.00

Thank you for reading!😘