
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Review: Kate Somerville 360 tanning towelettes

I got one of these towelettes in my Gratis and I didn't use it because I was scared because it was a towelettes! I'm a pro when it comes to self tanner in a mousse,lotion, or spray form! Previous to working at Sephora I worked at tanning salons for about 3 years. So I know a lot about tanning and self tanners.
So last night I thought I'd give it a go, and if it turned out streaky I'd be okay since I'm off today. 
When I first opened the product I was surprised because the towel eye was white! I was expecting a brown towelettes and it didn't smell like usual self tanners. So next I read the instructions and it just said to rub it on in circles so I did that!
I only did my arms and chest for now. 
So this is a before...
(Sorry for the crappy shot I decided to do this blog last minute...literally) 

And AFTERS....

This tanning solution does get darker over time. I went to bed and woke up with the best tan ever! It's a great golden tan with NO STREAKS! which was surprising because I thought I would have a few just because you can't see the product when your putting it on! And no streaks even by my wrist, which is usually where you get bad streaks. 

OVERALL: I'm super impressed with these tanning towelettes and kate Somerville has amazing products anyways! The best part is I don't smell like self-tanner! Usually with every self tanning product you will smell like tanning solution intil you take a shower. So I'm so happy about that. Might by these because lord knows I'm pale as a ghost! Haha 

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